Private label

Located in the municipality of Costigliole d'Asti, in an area famous in Italy and around the world for the quality of its grapevines, Morando Wine House is at your complete disposal for the supply of high-quality wines and bottled products.

Thanks to our extensive experience in the industry, we are able to meet all your requests with a wide and diverse production, the result of craftsmanship, manual skills, state-of-the-art technological equipment, and of course, a lot of passion. In addition to selling wine, we also provide an excellent private label service: you can have our products bottled with the graphics of your company, your establishment, or your business.

Creativity at the service of our customers

We are industry professionals who work with enthusiasm and expertise to ensure your full satisfaction. That's why our work is turnkey: we take care of every phase of the wine production cycle, including the creation of its specific brand, the management of its image and packaging, and we also provide the private label service.

  • private label service

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  • Morando Barolo wine

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Our product with your graphics

Our private label service offers our retail partners the opportunity to distribute our wines with their private labels. Our expertise is available to the client who wishes to take advantage of comprehensive and customized support.

You can provide the instructions to customize the brand's layout yourself by sending us the necessary files, or you can rely on our experts to design and develop a tailored graphic.

Call us to share your idea:

we will develop it!

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